torsdag 22. august 2019

WayNorth Delivery

We solve your transport needs, large or small. Yacht delivery with a personal touch.

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"It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive..." Though there are times when being there is the most important thing. We believe that you will savour your time in Norwegian waters. Let us help you make the most of that time - by sailing your boat to your chosen starting point for you. WayNorth Maritime specialize in delivering to and from Norway, enabeling you to make the most out of your allotted time in the ultimate cruising grounds of Norway. I dare say it is the best kept secret on the planet and we are willing to share because there is room enough for all.
When you realise that one season just wasn't enough you may winter her here and continue the next year. Harbour fees are very reasonable.
Our senior skipper is Harald E. Bjerke (Rikki), with over 130 000 nm as skipper on vessels up to 80'. Contact us and we will give you an estimate for solving your transportation needs.

If you are unsure about Norway as a cruising destination we offer introductory charters for those who would like a quick recce. Then you will have something to be exited about when planning your own cruise.
Norway, a lifetime of experiences.

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